see also: Swagger/OpenAPI definition

ORSCF-StudyWorkflowDefinition Schema Specification

author: ORSCF ("Open Research Study Communication Formats") / T.Korn
license: Apache-2
version: 1.5.0
timestamp: 2021-09-11 12:40






Name Type Required Fix
StudyWorkflowName (PK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (PK) string (20) YES no
OfficialLabel string YES no
DefinitionOwner string YES no
DocumentationUrl string YES no
LogoImage string no no
Description string YES no
VersionIdentity string YES no
LastChangeUtc datetime YES no
DraftState int32 YES no
BillingCurrency string no no
BillablePriceForGeneralPreparation decimal no no
StudyDocumentationUrl string no no
CaseReportFormUrl string no no

Unique Keys

  • StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion (primary)

ResearchStudyDefinition.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

the official invariant name of the study as given by the sponsor

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

ResearchStudyDefinition.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

This value follows the rules of 'Semantic Versioning' ( and needs to be updated exactly and only on transition to DraftState.Released! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewFix', then the 3. number must be increased at this time! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewMinor', then the 2. number must be increased, and the 3. number must be set to 0 at this time! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewMajor', then the 1. number must be increased, and the 2.+3. number must be set to 0 at this time!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

ResearchStudyDefinition.LogoImage (Field)

Logo in base64

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ResearchStudyDefinition.VersionIdentity (Field)

IT MUST NOT be updated on every change during Draft! Format: the Author, which is starting the new Draft (Alphanumeric, in PascalCase without blanks or other Symbols) + the current UTC-Time when setting the value (in ISO8601 format) separated by a Pipe "|" Sample: "MaxMustermann|2020-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z".

ResearchStudyDefinition.DraftState (Field)

0=Released / 1=DraftNewFix / 2=DraftNewMinor / 3=DraftNewMajor

ResearchStudyDefinition.BillingCurrency (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ResearchStudyDefinition.BillablePriceForGeneralPreparation (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ResearchStudyDefinition.StudyDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ResearchStudyDefinition.CaseReportFormUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Arms Childs Arm * (multiple)
DataRecordingTasks Childs DataRecordingTaskDefinition * (multiple)
DrugApplymentTasks Childs DrugApplymentTaskDefinition * (multiple)
ProcedureDefinitions Childs ProcedureDefinition * (multiple)
ProcedureSchedules Childs ProcedureSchedule * (multiple)
TreatmentTasks Childs TreatmentTaskDefinition * (multiple)
TaskSchedules Childs TaskSchedule * (multiple)
Events Childs StudyEvent * (multiple)
SubStudies Childs SubStudy * (multiple)
Arms (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: Arm

DataRecordingTasks (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: DataRecordingTaskDefinition

DrugApplymentTasks (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: DrugApplymentTaskDefinition

ProcedureDefinitions (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: ProcedureDefinition

ProcedureSchedules (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: ProcedureSchedule

TreatmentTasks (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: TreatmentTaskDefinition

TaskSchedules (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: TaskSchedule

Events (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: StudyEvent

SubStudies (childs of this ResearchStudyDefinition)

Target: SubStudy



Name Type Required Fix
StudyArmName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (PK) (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (PK) (FK) string (20) YES no
RootProcedureScheduleId (FK) guid no no
BillablePriceOnFailedInclusion decimal no no
BillablePriceOnSuccessfullInclusion decimal no no
BillablePriceOnAbortedParticipation decimal no no
BillablePriceOnCompletedParticipation decimal no no
ArmSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no
InclusionCriteria string no no
AllowedSubstudies string no no

Unique Keys

  • StudyArmName + StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion (primary)

Arm.StudyArmName (Field)

Name of the Arm - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

Arm.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

Arm.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

Arm.RootProcedureScheduleId (Field)

the ProcedureSchedule which is representing the primary-/entry-workflow (estimated visits) for participants of this arm

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'RootProcedureSchedule'

Arm.BillablePriceOnFailedInclusion (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.BillablePriceOnSuccessfullInclusion (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.BillablePriceOnAbortedParticipation (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.BillablePriceOnCompletedParticipation (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.ArmSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.InclusionCriteria (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Arm.AllowedSubstudies (Field)

comma sparated list of Sub-Study names which are allowed to be executed for this arm

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
RootProcedureSchedule Lookup ProcedureSchedule 1 (required)
ResearchStudy (parent of this Arm)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.

RootProcedureSchedule (lookup from this Arm)

Target Type: ProcedureSchedule Addressed by: RootProcedureScheduleId.

the ProcedureSchedule which is representing the primary-/entry-workflow (estimated visits) for participants of this arm



Name Type Required Fix
TaskDefinitionName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution decimal no no
ShortDescription string YES no
TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no
ImportantNotices string no no
DataSchemaUrl string YES no
DefaultData string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskDefinitionName (primary)

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

Name of the Definition - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.ImportantNotices (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.DataSchemaUrl (Field)

schema-url of the data which have to be recorded

DataRecordingTaskDefinition.DefaultData (Field)

RAW data, in the schema as defined at the 'DataSchemaUrl'

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Inducements Referers InducedDataRecordingTask * (multiple)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
Inducements (refering to this DataRecordingTaskDefinition)

Target: InducedDataRecordingTask

ResearchStudy (parent of this DataRecordingTaskDefinition)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskDefinitionName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution decimal no no
ShortDescription string YES no
TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no
DrugName string YES no
DrugDoseMgPerUnitMg decimal YES no
UnitsToApply decimal YES no
ApplymentRoute string YES no
ImportantNotices string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskDefinitionName (primary)

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

Name of the Definition - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DrugApplymentTaskDefinition.ImportantNotices (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Inducements Referers InducedDrugApplymentTask * (multiple)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
Inducements (refering to this DrugApplymentTaskDefinition)

Target: InducedDrugApplymentTask

ResearchStudy (parent of this DrugApplymentTaskDefinition)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.



Name Type Required Fix
ProdecureDefinitionName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
RootTaskScheduleId (FK) guid no no
BillablePriceOnAbortedExecution decimal no no
BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution decimal no no
VisitSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no

Unique Keys

  • ProdecureDefinitionName (primary)

ProcedureDefinition.ProdecureDefinitionName (Field)

Name of the Definition - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

ProcedureDefinition.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

ProcedureDefinition.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

ProcedureDefinition.RootTaskScheduleId (Field)

the TaskSchedule which is representing the primary-/entry-workflow (estimated tasks) when executing this visit

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'RootTaskSchedule'

ProcedureDefinition.BillablePriceOnAbortedExecution (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ProcedureDefinition.BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ProcedureDefinition.VisitSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Inducements Referers InducedProcedure * (multiple)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
RootTaskSchedule Lookup TaskSchedule 1 (required)
Inducements (refering to this ProcedureDefinition)

Target: InducedProcedure

ResearchStudy (parent of this ProcedureDefinition)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.

RootTaskSchedule (lookup from this ProcedureDefinition)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: RootTaskScheduleId.

the TaskSchedule which is representing the primary-/entry-workflow (estimated tasks) when executing this visit



Name Type Required Fix
ProcedureScheduleId (PK) guid YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
ScheduleWorkflowName string YES no
MaxSkipsBeforeLost string YES no
MaxSubsequentSkipsBeforeLost string YES no
MaxLostsBeforeLtfuAbort string YES no
MaxSubsequentLostsBeforeLtfuAbort string YES no
EventOnLtfuAbort string YES no
EventOnCycleEnded string YES no
EventOnAllCyclesEnded string YES no
InducingEvents string YES no
AbortCausingEvents string YES no

Unique Keys

  • ProcedureScheduleId (primary)

ProcedureSchedule.ProcedureScheduleId (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

ProcedureSchedule.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

ProcedureSchedule.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

ProcedureSchedule.ScheduleWorkflowName (Field)

Name of the Workflow which is represented by this schedule - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
EntryArms Referers Arm * (multiple)
InducedProcedures Childs InducedProcedure * (multiple)
InducedSubProcedureSchedules Childs InducedSubProcedureSchedule * (multiple)
InducingSubProcedureSchedules Referers InducedSubProcedureSchedule * (multiple)
CycleDefinition Child ProcedureCycleDefinition 0/1 (single)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
EntryArms (refering to this ProcedureSchedule)

Target: Arm

InducedProcedures (childs of this ProcedureSchedule)

Target: InducedProcedure

InducedSubProcedureSchedules (childs of this ProcedureSchedule)

Target: InducedSubProcedureSchedule

InducingSubProcedureSchedules (refering to this ProcedureSchedule)

Target: InducedSubProcedureSchedule

CycleDefinition (child of this ProcedureSchedule)

Target: ProcedureCycleDefinition

ResearchStudy (parent of this ProcedureSchedule)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
ProcedureScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityBefore int32 YES no
SchedulingVariabilityAfter int32 YES no
SchedulingVariabilityUnit string YES no
ProdecureDefinitionName (FK) string (50) YES no
UniqueExecutionName string YES no
Skipable boolean YES no
EventOnSkip string YES no
EventOnLost string YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
VisitNumber int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedProcedure.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedProcedure.ProcedureScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ProcedureSchedule'

InducedProcedure.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling date relative to the scheduling date of the parent ProcedureSchedule

InducedProcedure.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'M'=Months / 'W'=Weeks / 'D'=Days

InducedProcedure.SchedulingVariabilityBefore (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling date (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the EARLIEST possible date.

InducedProcedure.SchedulingVariabilityAfter (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling date (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the LATEST possible date.

InducedProcedure.SchedulingVariabilityUnit (Field)

'M'=Months / 'W'=Weeks / 'D'=Days

InducedProcedure.ProdecureDefinitionName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedVisitProdecure'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

InducedProcedure.UniqueExecutionName (Field)

the name for the induced execution (=VISIT), like 'V0', which is usually defined by the study protocol. if multiple inducements are possible (for example when using cycles), the title should to contain a placeholder (example: 'C{cy}-V0') to prevent from duplicate execution names.

InducedProcedure.Skipable (Field)

defines, if the study protocol tolerates this execution to be 'skipped' (if not, a missed execution is treated as 'lost' and can cause the exclusion of the participant)

InducedProcedure.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedProcedure.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor procedure or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedProcedure.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedProcedure.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this procedure should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

InducedProcedure.VisitNumber (Field)

Number, which can be used via Placeholder {#} within the UniqueExecutionName and which will automatically increase when using cycles or sub-schedules


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ProcedureSchedule Parent ProcedureSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedVisitProdecure Lookup ProcedureDefinition 0/1 (optional)
ProcedureSchedule (parent of this InducedProcedure)

Target Type: ProcedureSchedule Addressed by: ProcedureScheduleId.

InducedVisitProdecure (lookup from this InducedProcedure)

Target Type: ProcedureDefinition Addressed by: ProdecureDefinitionName.



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
ParentProcedureScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
InducedProcedureScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SharedSkipCounters boolean YES no
SharedLostCounters boolean YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
IncreaseVisitNumberBase int32 YES no
InheritVisitNumberBase boolean YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.ParentProcedureScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ParentProcedureSchedule'

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.InducedProcedureScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedProcedureSchedule'

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling date relative to the scheduling date of the parent ProcedureSchedule

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'M'=Months / 'W'=Weeks / 'D'=Days

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor procedure or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedSubProcedureSchedule.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this schedule should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ParentProcedureSchedule Parent ProcedureSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedProcedureSchedule Lookup ProcedureSchedule 0/1 (optional)
ParentProcedureSchedule (parent of this InducedSubProcedureSchedule)

Target Type: ProcedureSchedule Addressed by: ParentProcedureScheduleId.

InducedProcedureSchedule (lookup from this InducedSubProcedureSchedule)

Target Type: ProcedureSchedule Addressed by: InducedProcedureScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
ProcedureScheduleId (PK) (FK) guid YES no
ReschedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
ReschedulingOffset int32 YES no
ReschedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
CycleLimit int32 no no
SharedSkipCounters boolean YES no
SharedLostCounters boolean YES no
ReschedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
IncreaseVisitNumberBasePerCycle int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • ProcedureScheduleId (primary)

ProcedureCycleDefinition.ProcedureScheduleId (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ProcedureSchedule'

ProcedureCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the last cycle was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the last procedure or subschedule (based on the 'Position') of the previous cycle was induced. items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'ReschedulingByEstimate'

ProcedureCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling date relative to the ReschedulingBase

ProcedureCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'M'=Months / 'W'=Weeks / 'D'=Days

ProcedureCycleDefinition.CycleLimit (Field)

number of cycles (of null for a infinite number of cycles)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

ProcedureCycleDefinition.ReschedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

ProcedureCycleDefinition.IncreaseVisitNumberBasePerCycle (Field)

-1: automatic, based on the usage of visit numbers within the schedule


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ProcedureSchedule Parent ProcedureSchedule 0/1 (optional)
ProcedureSchedule (parent of this ProcedureCycleDefinition)

Target Type: ProcedureSchedule Addressed by: ProcedureScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
StudyEventName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
MaxOccourrencesBeforeExclusion int32 no no
AllowManualTrigger boolean YES no
Description string YES no
EvenSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no

Unique Keys

  • StudyEventName (primary)

StudyEvent.StudyEventName (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

StudyEvent.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

StudyEvent.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

StudyEvent.MaxOccourrencesBeforeExclusion (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

StudyEvent.EvenSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
ResearchStudy (parent of this StudyEvent)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.



Name Type Required Fix
SubStudyName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no

Unique Keys

  • SubStudyName (primary)

SubStudy.SubStudyName (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

SubStudy.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudyDefinition'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

SubStudy.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudyDefinition'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ResearchStudyDefinition Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
ResearchStudyDefinition (parent of this SubStudy)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskScheduleId (PK) guid YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
ScheduleWorkflowName string YES no
MaxSkipsBeforeLost string YES no
MaxSubsequentSkipsBeforeLost string YES no
MaxLostsBeforeLtfuAbort string YES no
MaxSubsequentLostsBeforeLtfuAbort string YES no
EventOnLtfuAbort string YES no
EventOnCycleEnded string YES no
EventOnAllCyclesEnded string YES no
InducingEvents string YES no
AbortCausingEvents string YES no

Unique Keys

  • TaskScheduleId (primary)

TaskSchedule.TaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

TaskSchedule.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

TaskSchedule.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

TaskSchedule.ScheduleWorkflowName (Field)

Name of the Workflow which is represented by this schedule - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
InducedDataRecordingTasks Childs InducedDataRecordingTask * (multiple)
InducedDrugApplymentTasks Childs InducedDrugApplymentTask * (multiple)
InducedSubTaskSchedules Childs InducedSubTaskSchedule * (multiple)
InducingTaskSchedules Referers InducedSubTaskSchedule * (multiple)
InducedTreatmentTasks Childs InducedTreatmentTask * (multiple)
EntryProdecureDefinitions Referers ProcedureDefinition * (multiple)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
CycleDefinition Child TaskCycleDefinition 0/1 (single)
InducedDataRecordingTasks (childs of this TaskSchedule)

Target: InducedDataRecordingTask

InducedDrugApplymentTasks (childs of this TaskSchedule)

Target: InducedDrugApplymentTask

InducedSubTaskSchedules (childs of this TaskSchedule)

Target: InducedSubTaskSchedule

InducingTaskSchedules (refering to this TaskSchedule)

Target: InducedSubTaskSchedule

InducedTreatmentTasks (childs of this TaskSchedule)

Target: InducedTreatmentTask

EntryProdecureDefinitions (refering to this TaskSchedule)

Target: ProcedureDefinition

ResearchStudy (parent of this TaskSchedule)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.

CycleDefinition (child of this TaskSchedule)

Target: TaskCycleDefinition



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
TaskScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
TaskDefinitionName (FK) string (50) YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityBefore string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityAfter string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityUnit string YES no
UniqueExecutionName string YES no
Skipable boolean YES no
EventOnSkip string YES no
EventOnLost string YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
TaskNumber int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedDataRecordingTask.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedDataRecordingTask.TaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'TaskSchedule'

InducedDataRecordingTask.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedTask'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling time relative to the scheduling date of the parent TaskSchedule

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingVariabilityBefore (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the EARLIEST possible time.

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingVariabilityAfter (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the LATEST possible time.

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingVariabilityUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedDataRecordingTask.UniqueExecutionName (Field)

the name for the induced execution, like 'Measurement X', which is usually defined by the study protocol. if multiple inducements are possible (for example when using cycles), the title should to contain a placeholder (example: '{vt} - Measurement X') to prevent from duplicate execution names.

InducedDataRecordingTask.Skipable (Field)

defines, if the study protocol tolerates this execution to be 'skipped' (if not, a missed execution is treated as 'lost' and can cause the exclusion of the participant)

InducedDataRecordingTask.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor task or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedDataRecordingTask.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedDataRecordingTask.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this Task should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

InducedDataRecordingTask.TaskNumber (Field)

Number, which can be used via Placeholder {#} within the UniqueExecutionName and which will automatically increase when using cycles or sub-schedules


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
InducedTask Lookup DataRecordingTaskDefinition 0/1 (optional)
TaskSchedule Parent TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedTask (lookup from this InducedDataRecordingTask)

Target Type: DataRecordingTaskDefinition Addressed by: TaskDefinitionName.

TaskSchedule (parent of this InducedDataRecordingTask)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: TaskScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
TaskScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
TaskDefinitionName (FK) string (50) YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityBefore int32 YES no
SchedulingVariabilityAfter int32 YES no
SchedulingVariabilityUnit string YES no
UniqueExecutionName string YES no
Skipable boolean YES no
EventOnSkip string YES no
EventOnLost string YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
TaskNumber int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedDrugApplymentTask.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedDrugApplymentTask.TaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'TaskSchedule'

InducedDrugApplymentTask.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedTask'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling time relative to the scheduling date of the parent TaskSchedule

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingVariabilityBefore (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the EARLIEST possible time.

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingVariabilityAfter (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the LATEST possible time.

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingVariabilityUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedDrugApplymentTask.UniqueExecutionName (Field)

the name for the induced execution, like 'Measurement X', which is usually defined by the study protocol. if multiple inducements are possible (for example when using cycles), the title should to contain a placeholder (example: '{vt} - Measurement X') to prevent from duplicate execution names.

InducedDrugApplymentTask.Skipable (Field)

defines, if the study protocol tolerates this execution to be 'skipped' (if not, a missed execution is treated as 'lost' and can cause the exclusion of the participant)

InducedDrugApplymentTask.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor task or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedDrugApplymentTask.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedDrugApplymentTask.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this Task should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

InducedDrugApplymentTask.TaskNumber (Field)

Number, which can be used via Placeholder {#} within the UniqueExecutionName and which will automatically increase when using cycles or sub-schedules


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
InducedTask Lookup DrugApplymentTaskDefinition 0/1 (optional)
TaskSchedule Parent TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedTask (lookup from this InducedDrugApplymentTask)

Target Type: DrugApplymentTaskDefinition Addressed by: TaskDefinitionName.

TaskSchedule (parent of this InducedDrugApplymentTask)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: TaskScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
ParentTaskScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
InducedTaskScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SharedSkipCounters boolean YES no
SharedLostCounters boolean YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
IncreaseVisitNumberBase int32 YES no
InheritVisitNumberBase boolean YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedSubTaskSchedule.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedSubTaskSchedule.ParentTaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ParentTaskSchedule'

InducedSubTaskSchedule.InducedTaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedTaskSchedule'

InducedSubTaskSchedule.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling time relative to the scheduling date of the parent ProcedureSchedule

InducedSubTaskSchedule.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedSubTaskSchedule.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedSubTaskSchedule.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor task or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedSubTaskSchedule.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedSubTaskSchedule.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this schedule should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
ParentTaskSchedule Parent TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedTaskSchedule Lookup TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
ParentTaskSchedule (parent of this InducedSubTaskSchedule)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: ParentTaskScheduleId.

InducedTaskSchedule (lookup from this InducedSubTaskSchedule)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: InducedTaskScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
Id (PK) guid YES no
TaskScheduleId (FK) guid YES no
TaskDefinitionName (FK) string (50) YES no
SchedulingOffset int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityBefore string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityAfter string YES no
SchedulingVariabilityUnit string YES no
UniqueExecutionName string YES no
Skipable boolean YES no
EventOnSkip string YES no
EventOnLost string YES no
Position int32 YES no
SchedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
SchedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
DedicatedToSubstudy string no no
TaskNumber int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • Id (primary)

InducedTreatmentTask.Id (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

InducedTreatmentTask.TaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'TaskSchedule'

InducedTreatmentTask.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'InducedTask'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling time relative to the scheduling date of the parent TaskSchedule

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingVariabilityBefore (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the EARLIEST possible time.

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingVariabilityAfter (Field)

defines an additional variability RELATIVE to the estimated scheduling time (which is calculated from the offset), in this case the LATEST possible time.

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingVariabilityUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

InducedTreatmentTask.UniqueExecutionName (Field)

the name for the induced execution, like 'Measurement X', which is usually defined by the study protocol. if multiple inducements are possible (for example when using cycles), the title should to contain a placeholder (example: '{vt} - Measurement X') to prevent from duplicate execution names.

InducedTreatmentTask.Skipable (Field)

defines, if the study protocol tolerates this execution to be 'skipped' (if not, a missed execution is treated as 'lost' and can cause the exclusion of the participant)

InducedTreatmentTask.Position (Field)

The Position (1..x) of this inducement within the parent schedule. This value is relevant for addressing predecessors as fixpoint for the offest-calculation. Within one schedule there can only be one inducement for each position! The 0 is reserved for addressing the parent schedule itself and must not be used as well as negative values!

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the parent Schedule (for the current cycle) was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the direct predecessor task or subschedule (based on the 'Position') within the current schedule was induced / 1..x: when the predecessor at the Position within the current schedule, ADRESSED by the given value, was induced items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'SchedulingByEstimate'

InducedTreatmentTask.SchedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

InducedTreatmentTask.DedicatedToSubstudy (Field)

The name of a Sub-Study for which this Task should be induced or empty when its part of the current Arms regular workflow

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

InducedTreatmentTask.TaskNumber (Field)

Number, which can be used via Placeholder {#} within the UniqueExecutionName and which will automatically increase when using cycles or sub-schedules


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
TaskSchedule Parent TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
InducedTask Lookup TreatmentTaskDefinition 0/1 (optional)
TaskSchedule (parent of this InducedTreatmentTask)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: TaskScheduleId.

InducedTask (lookup from this InducedTreatmentTask)

Target Type: TreatmentTaskDefinition Addressed by: TaskDefinitionName.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskScheduleId (PK) (FK) guid YES no
ReschedulingOffsetFixpoint int32 YES no
ReschedulingOffset int32 YES no
ReschedulingOffsetUnit string YES no
CycleLimit int32 no no
SharedSkipCounters boolean YES no
SharedLostCounters boolean YES no
ReschedulingByEstimate boolean YES no
IncreaseTaskNumberBasePerCycle int32 YES no

Unique Keys

  • TaskScheduleId (primary)

TaskCycleDefinition.TaskScheduleId (Field)

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'TaskSchedule'

TaskCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffsetFixpoint (Field)

0=InducementOfScheduleOrCycle: when the start of the last cycle was induced / -1=InducementOfPredessessor: when the last task or subschedule (based on the 'Position') of the previous cycle was induced. items of sub-schedules are not relevant - when addressing a sub-schedule as predecessor, then only its entry will be used this behaviour can be concretized via 'ReschedulingByEstimate'

TaskCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffset (Field)

estimated scheduling time relative to the ReschedulingBase

TaskCycleDefinition.ReschedulingOffsetUnit (Field)

'h'=Hours / 'm'=Minutes / 's'=Seconds

TaskCycleDefinition.CycleLimit (Field)

number of cycles (of null for a infinite number of cycles)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

TaskCycleDefinition.ReschedulingByEstimate (Field)

If set to true, the offset calculation will be based on the ESTIMATED completion of the predecessor (see 'Fixpoint'). Otherwise, when set to false, the offset calculation will be based on the REAL completion (if recorded execution data is available during calculation) of the predecessor. *this will not evaluated, when the 'Fixpoint' is set to 0!

TaskCycleDefinition.IncreaseTaskNumberBasePerCycle (Field)

-1: automatic, based on the usage of task numbers within the schedule


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
TaskSchedule Parent TaskSchedule 0/1 (optional)
TaskSchedule (parent of this TaskCycleDefinition)

Target Type: TaskSchedule Addressed by: TaskScheduleId.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskDefinitionName (PK) string (50) YES no
StudyWorkflowName (FK) string (100) YES no
StudyWorkflowVersion (FK) string (20) YES no
BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution decimal no no
ShortDescription string YES no
TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl string no no
TreatmentDescription string YES no
ImportantNotices string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskDefinitionName (primary)

TreatmentTaskDefinition.TaskDefinitionName (Field)

Name of the Definition - INVARIANT! because it is used to generate Identifers for induced executions!

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.

TreatmentTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.

TreatmentTaskDefinition.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'ResearchStudy'
  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.

TreatmentTaskDefinition.BillablePriceOnCompletedExecution (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

TreatmentTaskDefinition.TaskSpecificDocumentationUrl (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

TreatmentTaskDefinition.ImportantNotices (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Inducements Referers InducedTreatmentTask * (multiple)
ResearchStudy Parent ResearchStudyDefinition 0/1 (optional)
Inducements (refering to this TreatmentTaskDefinition)

Target: InducedTreatmentTask

ResearchStudy (parent of this TreatmentTaskDefinition)

Target Type: ResearchStudyDefinition Addressed by: StudyWorkflowName + StudyWorkflowVersion.