see also: Swagger/OpenAPI definition

ORSCF-VisitData Schema Specification

author: ORSCF ("Open Research Study Communication Formats") / T.Korn
license: Apache-2
version: 1.5.0
timestamp: 2021-09-11 12:41






Name Type Required Fix
EventGuid (PK) guid YES no
ParticipantIdentifier string YES no
StudyExecutionIdentifier (FK) guid YES no
StudyEventName string YES no
ExtendedMetaData string no no
OccourrenceDateTimeUtc datetime YES no
CauseInfo string YES no
AdditionalNotes string no no

Unique Keys

  • EventGuid (primary)

StudyEvent.EventGuid (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study-event occurrence which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record

StudyEvent.ParticipantIdentifier (Field)

identity of the patient which can be a randomization or screening number (the exact semantic is defined per study)

StudyEvent.StudyExecutionIdentifier (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study execution (dedicated to a concrete institute) which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'StudyExecution'

StudyEvent.StudyEventName (Field)

unique invariant name of the event as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

StudyEvent.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure (in JSON-format) containing additional metadata regarding this record, which can be used by 'StudyExecutionSystems' to extend the schema

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

StudyEvent.AdditionalNotes (Field)

additional notes (supplied by the execution person)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
StudyExecution Lookup StudyExecutionScope 0/1 (optional)
StudyExecution (lookup from this StudyEvent)

Target Type: StudyExecutionScope Addressed by: StudyExecutionIdentifier.



Name Type Required Fix
StudyExecutionIdentifier (PK) guid YES YES
ExecutingInstituteIdentifier string YES YES
StudyWorkflowName string (100) YES YES
StudyWorkflowVersion string (20) YES YES
ExtendedMetaData string no no

Unique Keys

  • StudyExecutionIdentifier (primary)

StudyExecutionScope.StudyExecutionIdentifier (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study execution (dedicated to a concrete institute) which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

StudyExecutionScope.ExecutingInstituteIdentifier (Field)

the institute which is executing the study (this should be an invariant technical representation of the company name or a guid)

  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

StudyExecutionScope.StudyWorkflowName (Field)

the official invariant name of the study as given by the sponsor

  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 100 characters.
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

StudyExecutionScope.StudyWorkflowVersion (Field)

version of the workflow

  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 20 characters.
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

StudyExecutionScope.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure (in JSON-format) containing additional metadata regarding this record, which can be used by 'StudyExecutionSystems' to extend the schema

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Events Referers StudyEvent * (multiple)
Visits Referers Visit * (multiple)
Events (refering to this StudyExecutionScope)

Target: StudyEvent

Visits (refering to this StudyExecutionScope)

Target: Visit



Name Type Required Fix
VisitGuid (PK) guid YES YES
ParticipantIdentifier string (50) YES YES
StudyExecutionIdentifier (FK) guid YES no
VisitProdecureName string YES no
VisitExecutionTitle string YES no
ScheduledDateUtc datetime no no
ExecutionDateUtc datetime no no
ExecutionState int32 YES no
ExtendedMetaData string no no
ExecutingPerson string no no

Unique Keys

  • VisitGuid (primary)
  • ParticipantIdentifier + StudyExecutionIdentifier + VisitExecutionTitle

Visit.VisitGuid (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study-visit execution which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

Visit.ParticipantIdentifier (Field)

identity of the patient which can be a randomization or screening number (the exact semantic is defined per study)

  • the maximum length of the content within this field is 50 characters.
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

Visit.StudyExecutionIdentifier (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study execution (dedicated to a concrete institute) which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'StudyExecution'

Visit.VisitProdecureName (Field)

unique invariant name of the visit-procedure as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

Visit.VisitExecutionTitle (Field)

unique title of the visit execution as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

Visit.ScheduledDateUtc (Field)

the estimated date when the visit is scheduled for execution

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Visit.ExecutionDateUtc (Field)

the real date, when the visits was executed

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Visit.ExecutionState (Field)

0=Unscheduled / 1=Sheduled / 2=Executed / 3=AbortDuringExecution / 4=Skipped / 5=Removed

Visit.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure (in JSON-format) containing additional metadata regarding this record, which can be used by 'StudyExecutionSystems' to extend the schema

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Visit.ExecutingPerson (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
DataRecordings Childs DataRecording * (multiple)
DrugApplyments Childs DrugApplyment * (multiple)
StudyExecution Lookup StudyExecutionScope 0/1 (optional)
Treatments Childs Treatment * (multiple)
DataRecordings (childs of this Visit)

Target: DataRecording

all the data which has been captured for this visit

DrugApplyments (childs of this Visit)

Target: DrugApplyment

all the drug applyments which have been executed for this visit

StudyExecution (lookup from this Visit)

Target Type: StudyExecutionScope Addressed by: StudyExecutionIdentifier.

Treatments (childs of this Visit)

Target: Treatment

all the treatments which have been executed for this visit



Name Type Required Fix
TaskGuid (PK) guid YES YES
VisitGuid (FK) guid YES no
DataRecordingName string YES no
TaskExecutionTitle string YES no
ScheduledDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionState int32 YES no
DataSchemaUrl string YES no
RecordedData string YES no
NotesRegardingOutcome string no no
ExtendedMetaData string YES no
ExecutingPerson string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskGuid (primary)

DataRecording.TaskGuid (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study-task execution which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

DataRecording.VisitGuid (Field)

the guid of the visit in which this task was executed

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'Visit'

DataRecording.DataRecordingName (Field)

unique invariant name of ths task-procedure as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

DataRecording.TaskExecutionTitle (Field)

title of the task execution as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

DataRecording.ScheduledDateTimeUtc (Field)

the estimated date when the visit is scheduled

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecording.ExecutionDateTimeUtc (Field)

the real time, when the data was recorded

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecording.ExecutionState (Field)

0=Unscheduled / 1=Sheduled / 2=Executed / 3=AbortDuringExecution / 4=Skipped / 5=Removed

DataRecording.DataSchemaUrl (Field)

schema-url of the data which were stored inside of the 'RecordedData' field

DataRecording.RecordedData (Field)

RAW data, in the schema as defined at the 'DataSchemaUrl'

DataRecording.NotesRegardingOutcome (Field)

additional notes regarding this dedcated execution (supplied by the execution person)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DataRecording.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure (in JSON-format) containing additional metadata regarding this record, which can be used by 'StudyExecutionSystems' to extend the schema

DataRecording.ExecutingPerson (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Visit Parent Visit 0/1 (optional)
Visit (parent of this DataRecording)

Target Type: Visit Addressed by: VisitGuid.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskGuid (PK) guid YES YES
VisitGuid (FK) guid YES no
DrugApplymentName string YES no
TaskExecutionTitle string YES no
ScheduledDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionState int32 YES no
DrugName string YES no
DrugDoseMgPerUnitMg decimal YES no
AppliedUnits decimal YES no
NotesRegardingOutcome string no no
ExtendedMetaData string YES no
ExecutingPerson string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskGuid (primary)

DrugApplyment.TaskGuid (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study-task execution which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

DrugApplyment.VisitGuid (Field)

the guid of the visit in which this task was executed

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'Visit'

DrugApplyment.DrugApplymentName (Field)

unique invariant name of the study itself as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

DrugApplyment.TaskExecutionTitle (Field)

title of the task execution as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

DrugApplyment.ScheduledDateTimeUtc (Field)

the estimated time when the drug applyment is scheduled

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DrugApplyment.ExecutionDateTimeUtc (Field)

the real date, when the visits was executed

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DrugApplyment.ExecutionState (Field)

0=Unscheduled / 1=Sheduled / 2=Executed / 3=AbortDuringExecution / 4=Skipped / 5=Removed

DrugApplyment.DrugName (Field)

name of the drug

DrugApplyment.DrugDoseMgPerUnitMg (Field)

dose (mg) which is inside of one unit

DrugApplyment.AppliedUnits (Field)

amount of applied units

DrugApplyment.NotesRegardingOutcome (Field)

additional notes regarding this dedcated execution (supplied by the execution person)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

DrugApplyment.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure (in JSON-format) containing additional metadata regarding this record, which can be used by 'StudyExecutionSystems' to extend the schema

DrugApplyment.ExecutingPerson (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Visit Parent Visit 0/1 (optional)
Visit (parent of this DrugApplyment)

Target Type: Visit Addressed by: VisitGuid.



Name Type Required Fix
TaskGuid (PK) guid YES YES
VisitGuid (FK) guid YES no
TreatmentName string YES no
TaskExecutionTitle string YES no
ScheduledDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionDateTimeUtc datetime no no
ExecutionState int32 YES no
NotesRegardingOutcome string no no
ExtendedMetaData string YES no
ExecutingPerson string no no

Unique Keys

  • TaskGuid (primary)

Treatment.TaskGuid (Field)

a global unique id of a concrete study-task execution which is usually originated at the primary CRF or study management system ('SMS')

  • this field represents the identity (PK) of the record
  • after the record has been created, the value of this field must not be changed any more!

Treatment.VisitGuid (Field)

the guid of the visit in which this task was executed

  • this field is used as foreign key to address the related 'Visit'

Treatment.TreatmentName (Field)

unique invariant name of ths task-procedure as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

Treatment.TaskExecutionTitle (Field)

title of the task execution as defined in the 'StudyWorkflowDefinition' (originated from the sponsor)

Treatment.ScheduledDateTimeUtc (Field)

the estimated time when the treatment is scheduled

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Treatment.ExecutionDateTimeUtc (Field)

the real time, when the treatment was executed

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Treatment.ExecutionState (Field)

0=Unscheduled / 1=Sheduled / 2=Executed / 3=AbortDuringExecution / 4=Skipped / 5=Removed

Treatment.NotesRegardingOutcome (Field)

additional notes regarding this dedcated execution (supplied by the execution person)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported

Treatment.ExtendedMetaData (Field)

optional structure of additional metadata regarding this record in JSON-format, which can be used by study execution systems to extend the schema

Treatment.ExecutingPerson (Field)

  • this field is optional, so that 'null' values are supported


Navigation-Name Role Target-Type Target-Multiplicity
Visit Parent Visit 0/1 (optional)
Visit (parent of this Treatment)

Target Type: Visit Addressed by: VisitGuid.