# WdrApiInfoService Provides interoperability information for the current implementation



returns the version of the ORSCF specification which is implemented by this API, (this can be used for backward compatibility within inhomogeneous infrastructures)


Name Type Description

return value: String


returns a list of API-features (there are several 'services' for different use cases, described by ORSCF) supported by this implementation. The following values are Possible: 'WorkflowConsume', 'WorkflowDefinition',


Name Type Description

return value: String[] (array)



Name Type Description
authState Int32 OUT-Param (required)

return value: String[] (array)


OPTIONAL: If the authentication on the current service is mapped using tokens and should provide information about the source at this point, the login URL to be called up via browser (OAuth 'CIBA-Flow') is returned here.


Name Type Description

return value: String


Provides an workflow-level API for interating with a 'WorkflowDefinitionRepository' (WDR)




Name Type Description
workflowDefinitionName String IN-Param (required)
workflowVersion String IN-Param (required)

return value: ResearchStudyDefinition


Provides an workflow-level API for interating with a 'WorkflowDefinitionRepository' (WDR)





Name Type Description
StudyWorkflowName String (required): the official invariant name of the study as given by the sponsor *this field has a max length of 100
StudyWorkflowVersion String (required): This value follows the rules of 'Semantic Versioning' (https://semver.org) and needs to be updated exactly and only on transition to DraftState.Released! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewFix', then the 3. number must be increased at this time! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewMinor', then the 2. number must be increased, and the 3. number must be set to 0 at this time! If the previously DraftState was 'DraftNewMajor', then the 1. number must be increased, and the 2.+3. number must be set to 0 at this time! *this field has a max length of 20
OfficialLabel String (required)
DefinitionOwner String (required)
DocumentationUrl String (required)
LogoImage String (optional): Logo in base64 *this field is optional (use null as value)
Description String (required)
VersionIdentity String (required): IT MUST NOT be updated on every change during Draft! Format: the Author, which is starting the new Draft (Alphanumeric, in PascalCase without blanks or other Symbols) + the current UTC-Time when setting the value (in ISO8601 format) separated by a Pipe " " Sample: "MaxMustermann 2020-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z".
LastChangeUtc DateTime (required)
DraftState Int32 (required): 0=Released / 1=DraftNewFix / 2=DraftNewMinor / 3=DraftNewMajor
BillingCurrency String (optional): *this field is optional (use null as value)
BillablePriceForGeneralPreparation Decimal? (nullable) (optional): *this field is optional
StudyDocumentationUrl String (optional): *this field is optional (use null as value)
CaseReportFormUrl String (optional): *this field is optional (use null as value)
Arms List`1 (optional)
DataRecordingTasks List`1 (optional)
DrugApplymentTasks List`1 (optional)
ProcedureDefinitions List`1 (optional)
ProcedureSchedules List`1 (optional)
TreatmentTasks List`1 (optional)
TaskSchedules List`1 (optional)
Events List`1 (optional)
SubStudies List`1 (optional)